FileMaker Recovery Tool, Tesla, Amazon Web Services, and more

It’s panic time: Your FileMaker file with all of that critical data is corrupted!  What do you do?  To whom do you turn?

For starters, read Makah Encarnacao’s extensive guide to using the FileMaker Recovery Tool.  Be sure to read the comments on her blog post, as well:

You may suspect your file is corrupted if you are experiencing and of the following:

  • Repeated crashing of the FileMaker file.

  • Unexpected or unexplained behavior (for example an odd behavior will start happening once in a while and the only way to fix it is to restart FileMaker).

  • Any time you shut down your server machine without properly closing down the files in FileMaker Server. If that every happens, you should verify there is no corruption. For example, if there was a power outage.

  • If your OS level backup software on your server (i.e. Time Machine, Crashplan, etc.) is backing up the hosted FileMaker files, they could get corrupted. You should always back up your backup copies, not the hosted files located inside the  FileMaker Server > Data > Databases.

And follow it up with Greg Durniak’s extensive guide, as well, especially if you dealing with older versions of FileMaker–it’s a gold mine of information, too.

Other options: call an experienced FileMaker developer, or contact FileMaker directly.  

Kitt and the 1980’s are calling:  One guy taught Amazon’s Alexa to summon his Tesla, because why not

The wave of the future?  Amazon Web Services and FileMaker: Setting up FMS on an EC2 instance

AWS is much easier to use than two years ago when I first tried it.  But the learning curve is still a bit steep, and finding help is not always easy.   This post from davidhamann media GmbH will speed up the process.

“There is nothing sadder in this world than the waste of human potential. The purpose of evolution is to raise us out of the mud, not have us grovelling in it.”

Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Cicely, 1992

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