7 Do’s and Don’ts for Entrepreneurial Success

Are you thinking of taking the entrepreneurship plunge?  Do you think you have what it takes to develop and run a business yourself?

Check out this pretty decent Do’s and Don’ts list from Success Magazine for those thinking about entrepreneurship:

1. DON’T want what you don’t want. It’s easy to fall under the spell of someone else’s dream or be seduced by the scorekeeping of other people’s goals. Don’t. Follow your own path—not the Joneses’. Don’t let fear, envy or social pressure cloud your vision.

2. DON’T miss the point. Bigger is only better if it makes the smile on your face wider and brighter, and fills the journey with joy. Live today as you want to be remembered in the end.

3. DO the right thing. When faced with the choices that are the hardest to make—when your dreams, ambition and drive are begging you to do one thing while your conscience is telling you to do another—remember that the only way you’ll have an enduring smile is if you uphold your values.

You may want to start off small, doing something on the side. For developers, you might want to start with development, tech support, or something complementary to those areas.  There are good reasons to do so:

  • You probably have a level of trust with your existing customers
  • It’s easier.  You don’t have to make it your primary income at first
  • You’ll have a larger market to pursue

Whatever course you choose, you should start with personal development, which means religiously listening to people like Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, and Tony Robbins.  Start with a minimum of 30 minutes a day, first thing in the morning if possible.  If not, then on your way to work, at lunch, or whenever you have a chance to squeeze in a few minutes.

If you want a break from audio/video, start reading some of the great personal improvement/motivation books available on Amazon.

Don’t reinvent the wheel…let these speakers and authors show you the way and save you from yourself.

Source: 7 Do’s and Don’ts for Entrepreneurial Success | SUCCESS

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