Button. Up. | the beezwax buzz

Consider the humble button.

Since the very first moments of FileMaker cosmos, the button has been an essential element of our platform. Over the years, across major and minor product releases, the unassuming button has remained a trusted constant and a dependable workhorse.

In daily practice, the button is as essential and transparent to our solutions as water to a fish. (As an interesting conceptual challenge, try envisioning a button-free solution). And yet, the button’s heroics on our behalf go overlooked and unsung. We lavish design and development attention on fields, portals, tab controls, web viewers – virtually every interface element except the unassuming button.

In this series, we’ll offer our old friend some long overdue attention. We’ll demonstrate several new techniques available in FileMaker 12 to greatly enhance its appearance, behavior, and meaningfulness. The button’s simplicity will help us isolate and demonstrate several modern UI and UX concepts, which we’ll then be able to apply not only to buttons, but throughout our interfaces. More…Button. Up.


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