Webinar: The Starter Solution Experience Q&A -FileMaker

I HEARD RECENTLY that the starter solutions included with FileMaker Pro are not made by FileMaker.  Evidently they are contracted out.  Anyway, our thanks to UK FileMaker for this video on how to customize those solutions to  meet you needs:

Published on Feb 7, 2014

The FileMaker 13 Platform is powerful, flexible and able to solve almost any business problem. You can build your own solutions from scratch, or there are a myriad of resources available to help you deploy a solution in record time. In this informative web seminar, we’ll review how to use FileMaker Starter Solutions and customise them for your needs. We’ll begin with the Starter Solutions that are included with FileMaker Pro. These 16 Starter Solutions cover everything from invoices to asset management to events, and more. Watch as we explore some great third party solutions and discuss a real customer example of using these templates to create a robust customer application with remarkably little investment in time and money.

Webinar: The Starter Solution Experience Q&A – YouTube.


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